Programming Sound Cards
Programming Sound Cards.iso
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62 lines
addvector(&array,size,scalar) - add value to array
bcopy(&srcarray,&destarray,count) - copy array to array
ccontLinear(contr,bias,times,inc,count) - send continuous cont. msgs.
close(fd) - close a file for i/o
closeimage(handle) - ATARI ONLY. release degas file.
divvector(&array,size,scalar) - divide scalar into array
doAction(&array[i],count) - execute action data structure
drunkwalk(last,lower,upper,inc,boundflag) - random drunk walk
dumpstk(1) - Ravel internal debug only.
dumptime() - print current event times to console
expand(count,&inbuf,&outbuf,nsteps) - expand/contract motif
getbpm() - return mos clock value
getmsg(&array,size,manuid) - read sys excl into array
getQevents() - return number of quarter time events elapsed
getSubevents() - return remainder of events past quarter
gettrans() - get current per channel transpose
inport(port, &buf, size) - read buffer of size from port (ibm-pc)
invert(&inbuf,&outbuf,count) - invert motif
mchoose(v1,v2,...) - randomly choose from integer values
mclkseed() - random seed of generator according to timer clock
mfractal1(last) - get fractal number
mgetch() - get character from console
mgetmchan() - get midi channel for current mos channel
mgetmidi() - read midi input byte
misch() - poll console input, 1 if ready, else 0
mismidi() - poll midi input, true (1) if midi input is ready, else 0
modvector(&array,size,scalar) - modulus on array
mpause(time) - stop current voicelist for a time
mputch(value) - write character to console
mputmidi(value) - write byte to midi output
mrand() - get random number 0..255
mrandrange(first,last) - get random number between first and last inclusive
mseed(seedval) - seed random number generator
mseedfrac(value) - seed fractal generator
msetmchan(chan) - set midi channel for current mos channel
multvector(&array,size,scalar) - multipy scalar into array
nomoschan() - total number of mos channels in use
open("file",mode) - open a file for i/o
openimage("file",mode) - ATARI ONLY. read degas file.
outport(port, &buf, size) - write buffer of size to port (ibm-pc)
pbendLinear(bias,poff,time,inc,count) - send pitch bend messages.
printf("string", vars...) - print values to console
printnote(note,newline) - print Ravel note constant to console.
printtime(time,newline) - print Ravel time constant to console.
rand() - return random number between 0 and maxint
read(fd,&array,size) - read from file into array
regdsp(count,&inbuf,&outbuf,®buf) - register displacement on motif
restoreimage() - ATARI ONLY. restore to original screen
retro(&inbuf,&outbuf,count) - retrograde conversion on motif
rdmidi(&array, size) - read midi input into buffer
seek(fd,where,how) - seek in file.
sendmsg(&array,size,manuid) - write array as sys excl msg
setkey(key) - set runtime idea of key.
settrans(trans) - set per channel transpose
showimage(handle) - ATARI ONLY. display degas file.
subvector(&array,size,scalar) - subtract value from array
triangle(lower,upper) - triangle distribution
write(fd,&array,size) - write from array into file.
wrtmidi(&array,size) - raw write out midi port